Godly Relationship Part 2

Godly Relationship 2: The Marriage Institution. “ And they shall become one flesh.” Gen. 2:24. My heavenly Father and Maker of all things, I come to You again in the Name of Jesus. It  has been several months since I was inspired to visit this platform to share Your awesome...
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Godly Relationship

GODLY RELATIONSHIP “ They were both naked,……..and were not ashamed. Gen. 2:5” Our heavenly Father, hallow be Your awesome name. How beautiful and wonderful You are! You are truly the Lord of lords and the Almighty King of the universe. You created all things in heaven and the...
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Walk of Faith Part 2

The Walk of Faith: Part 2 “Without Faith it is impossible to please Him…..” Heb.11:6 Our heavenly Father we have come again to continue with this difficult discourse on such a profound and priceless virtue called Faith. We thank You that You are all together just and righteous in...
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Leadership and the Dangers of Idolatry

Our heavenly Father we come to you again in the name of Jesus. You are the Sovereign God of the universe. You reign and rule as the Righteous Judge of the nations. You are before all things. You are from everlasting and have no end. Everything will fade and grow old but you...
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Fear of Man

I thank you our heavenly father for the privilege of life and everything you have graciously granted us in this our earthly journey. I am particularly grateful to you for granting us acceptance through Christ Jesus and the empowerment by His Spirit, for a life of faith as we...
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Fear of God

Blessed be our God and the Lord Jesus Christ for His manifold wisdom and overflowing grace towards us who He redeemed from the curse of the law and its attendant evil consequences and delivered unto His marvelous Light. I thank you so much Jesus that even at this time when there...
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Power of Divine influence Part 2

“ In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” John 1:4. My Lord and my God I come to you again this morning with a heart charged with excitement and expectation. I am blessed to be given the amazing privilege to know you as my heavenly Father through the abundant grace...
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Power of Divine Influence

The Power of divine Influence “ You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:14 We thank You our heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ for the abundant mercies that was showered into our lives and families in the year 2014. You gave us life, provided for us on daily basis, kept...
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Life of the Spirit

“ You must be born again.” John 3:7 Righteous Father, we are delighted to continue on the train of thoughts You have graciously granted us in light of the last revelation. We thank You Jesus Christ for the solid foundation laid by the cross. We invite You Holy Spirit to fill us...
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Moral Decay

Precious Lord, we come again to you this month of August to receive your awesome grace in sharing your thoughts with my brothers and sisters scattered all over the world. Your glory is to hide a matter and the honor you grant us humans is to search it out. But how can man unearth...
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