Pinnacle House Ministries is a Christian Non-profit Organization inspired and conceived by the Holy Spirit.  Our focus is to revive the declining spiritual health of the family of God.  It is God’s earnest desire that the Church becomes the House of Prayer for all nations and that through the Church the message of His love reaches the unsaved world.

Beliefs and convictions influence thoughts and emotions, which in turn drive behavior, morality, integrity and fruitfulness.

We live in perilous times and we have a divine mandate and moral obligation to awaken people to righteousness.  Our mission as ambassadors of Christ is to redeem the time, walk in the light of Christ’s love and extend hope to the hopeless and distressed families globally.

No officer or member of the Ministry will receive compensation for his or her travel or living expenses. One hundred per cent of donations and offerings will be used to fulfill the mission of ministering to the poor and needy.

We will partner with local organizations in accomplishing these mandates by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.


  • To encourage family prayers in Christian homes.
  • To spread the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.
  • To faithfully communicate God’s visions and revelations that highlight His love, deep concerns and warnings for this generation.
  • To encourage and educate the younger generation; with emphasis on the orphans, the widows, and underprivileged poor in developing countries on the paramount importance of higher education and vocational skills that will enable them to build capacity and develop their God given potentials.
  • Provide scholarships for the orphans and very poor young individuals to enable them acquire the necessary education for gainful employment.
  • Provide financial support to poor widows that lack access to government welfare programs in developing countries.This will empower them to start small businesses to sustain their families.


  • That everyone may know the Lord Jesus Christ; accept Him as Lord and enjoy the sweet fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
  • That people live victoriously over the pull of the fallen world; and become the spiritual house in which God dwells through His Spirit.
  • To see relationships, especially among God’s people, rekindled and restored; with spiritual vitality, hope, dignity and integrity.


we believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God the Almighty;

that Jesus Christ is The Lord who came in the flesh to save us from our sins;

that Jesus is the only Savior; there is none besides Him;

we believe in the Baptisms in water, and of the Holy Spirit;

that men and women must repent of their sins and be born again to enter the Kingdom of God;

that hell was made for the devil and his angels, and those who will join his rebellion against the Lord God will partake of that judgement;

we believe that Jesus will come again, and will bring everlasting peace and tranquility to the earth under His reign.