
Leadership and the Dangers of Idolatry

Our heavenly Father we come to you again in the name of Jesus. You are the Sovereign God of the universe. You reign and rule as the Righteous Judge of the nations. You are before all things. You are from everlasting and have no end. Everything will fade and grow old but you remain the same from everlasting to everlasting. We worship you and adore you. We thank you immensely that you have translated us to a kingdom that is eternal through your Son, our lord and savior Jesus Christ. We ask that you guide and direct our thoughts and emotions in this difficult task. Release your awesome grace to both the writer and the readers and enrich our lives in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

It has been an amazing July 4th weekend with the family. We have been privileged to spend some days away from the hustles and bustles of life in Phoenix at a beach resort in Mexico. I am particularly grateful that God provided the means and the wisdom to getaway, now and then, to enjoy some refreshing moments with my wife and the children. As we celebrate American independence, I found myself reflecting on the bountiful goodness of God for His people. It is never in His will that man should live under any form of oppression, human or satanic, and for that I give Him my praise.

It is with mixed feelings that I pen this message from God for all of us. There is overriding excitement to share His enlightenment and an underlying trepidation on how to faithfully deliver the message in a way that is plain so a herald can run with it. I have spent days praying, reflecting and seeking His face for spiritual strength to delve into the subject matter for this month. The topic is incredibly weighty and of overwhelming importance that humble and sober reflection is seriously called for at the end of reading this treatise. My sincere prayer and hope is that you look beyond the messenger and earnestly check the Scriptures to verify the authenticity of the issues discussed. If the Spirit of God in you adjudges the message to be true, then give God the glory and praise for He is worthy!

This is the first phase of the vision that was revealed to me for this month. I must admit that the Lord is Master of all things, including the art of communication. Again, my friend David, the artist, did a beautiful job with the aid of softwares to bring to us this great painting patterned after the vision. No doubt, the image draws out attention to a glorious throne and couple of men sitting around the throne. However, the person on this honorable chair was not shown. I have learnt through the Scriptures to desist from attempting to analyze spiritual things with my carnal mind. “ The carnal mind is enmity against God.” [ Romans 8:7] But “ when He, the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth.” [ John 16:13 ] Both the throne and the group of men are symbolic of a concept of tremendous significance to the heart of God.


As I learnt later, the throne being symbolic of leadership or headship is not the main issue for discussion but certain emphases will need to be put in place as foundational blocks as we set the stage for the major theme that will ultimately follow. The importance of the throne in the wellness and prosperity of a nation cannot be overemphasized. It could be a literal throne as in the case of villages, nations or implied in the case of families, businesses or religious ministries. The spirit driving the person on that esteemed chair of headship, the rule of law or constitution upon which judgments stem from and the human resources supporting the leader all play powerful roles in the success or failure of the throne.

The spirit in a man

It is a no brainer that the predominant spirit operating in a man or woman has tremendous impact on the spiritual heart which is the seat of desires, ambitions etc. God has already passed a judgment on the un-regenerated heart in the Book of Jeremiah. “ The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.” [ Jeremiah 17:9 ] In other words, such hearts should not be trusted to do right because a spirit of rebellion against God’s will is predominantly in operation. The Bible gives us great insights about the life of Caleb, Joshua and Daniel; all displayed an excellent spirit with hearts of Faith towards God’s revealed will

The Constitution of an Entity

Briefly stated, the constitution is a set of principles, statues and ordinances that define and direct a corporate body. The purpose is geared towards the wellness and welfare of the people in the entity. It defines offices, roles, responsibilities and penalties for violations of rules. It protects everyone involved in the unit especially the weaker elements of the people it serves. Everyone deserves to have an idea of their constitutional rights to prevent abuses due to ignorance of the laws of the land. The person on the throne is also subject to the sacred order as enshrined in the constitution. The Ten Commandment and precepts serve as a Holy Constitution handed down from God to His people.

The Cabinet Members

These are select group of men and women that support the function of the throne of leadership. Their major role is to ensure the success of the person on the throne. The Scripture throws great light on proper selection of this honorable role for efficient running of the entire system. Hear Jethro as he counseled Moses who sat on the throne of leadership, judging the people on the right way of godly living. “ Moreover, you shall select from all the people able men, such as Fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them.” Exodus 18:21.

The Throne: Origin and Purpose

God who made all things both the spiritual and natural realms remains the King of kings and Lord of lords. The heavens rule over the affairs of this life as Nebuchadnezzar latter learnt the hard way. In the historical account of Israel, the Spirit of God ruled the people through human leaders who sat on the physical thrones. However, some of the leaders ruled under the influence of satanic spirits and led the people astray with disastrous consequences. God established the throne to influence the welfare of His creation. Jesus Christ in the flesh reigned under full power of the Holy Spirit to effect righteousness, justice and equity on the throne of leadership. “ But to the Son He says: Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your Kingdom. You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness.” Hebrews 1: 8-9.

Satan also influences human leaders to promulgate unrighteous decrees and all kinds of lawlessness and violence. “ I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is.” Revelation 2:13.

Checks and Balances in Leadership

In my human imagination, I would think God was horrified at the deplorable condition of the human heart after the fall of man. A heart un-yielded to God is bound to excesses. Nimrod provided a powerful case study followed by Nebuchadnezzar. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. I will borrow an excerpt from Dr. Kingston Ekeke on leadership in one of his writings. “ Leadership is a divine and sacred duty. To lead is hard work that involves great sacrifice and service to humanity.”

A great sense of morality is paramount and the authority of the throne must be channeled towards security, equitable distribution of resources, education of the populace and a conducive environment for people to thrive in the pursuit of liberty for all as given by God, the ultimate leader. The throne must not be above the laws of the land. People must know and demand for their rights both in the church of God and in the secular world. The Cabinet members or Board members must not be ‘Yes men or women’. They have a divine duty to ask critical questions and sometimes speak against ideas that undermine the welfare of the people they serve. They must hold the person on the throne accountable. They must break free from fear of man and take a solid stand in the Fear of God before whom all must stand in judgment at the Last Day. Hear God’s lamentation and stand up for your right of justice. “ My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6

IDOLATRY and Leadership

“ I am the Lord your God.” Exodus 20:2

It was after this powerful imagery depicting hero worship that the Spirit of God impressed it into my spirit where He was going with the first illustration showing a throne and cabinet members. Pride and idolatry are as old as mankind. “ For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:5. No doubt, eating from this tree of good and evil was the inspiration that impelled Nimrod to direct his subjects outside the will of God. Hear him, “ Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves.” Genesis 11:4.

God Reveals Himself

Why will God accuse anyone of idolatry if He has not made it abundantly clear of His existence and Sovereign nature over all things? The Bible teaches us that the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of man. Is there any king that is unknown to the youngest or even the basest of his or her subjects? God was revealed as the undisputed champion in the contest of contest between Himself and the gods of Egypt in the time of Pharaoh. All the elements of nature, even the mountains quaked and trembled in smoke when God made a grand entrance to manifest His awesome glory to the people of Israel. Psalm 19 reads, “ The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.” In the Book of Revelation, Apostle John was privileged to catch a glimpse of heaven. “ Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne.” Rev. 4:2.

God declares His exclusive Lordship

The great One who is seated on the white throne spoke for Himself and continues to proclaim that infinite Life is within Him. He does not need introduction and neither does He need to be worshiped by human hands as though He needs anything. Moses struggled on how to introduce Him to the Israelites. God echoed His identity, “ I AM WHO I AM.” Exodus 3:14. He is the Lord of both the spirit and the Lord of the physical realms. Lordship is symbolic of authority. God in Jesus Christ is the supreme authority. He is the great I AM. His physical being cannot be described or defined because He is beyond human perceptions. It is that ‘ I AM the Lord your God’ that He echoed into my being. And this changed my world! For doubters and mockers, listen again, “ For by Him [ Jesus Christ ] all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.” Colossians 1:16.

God makes a stern warning against idolatry

After making His glorious essence and infinite attributes known to the Israelites, God cautioned them against the greatest affront to His Person—Idolatry. “ You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them.” Exodus 20:3-4. But is God simply finicky, super-sensitive with an ego that must be rubbed? That is far from the truth! There is nothing mankind can do to shake the foundation of who He is. His Personality is solid as a Rock. There is no variation of turning in Him. He remains the same forever. Hallelujah! God is very jealous or zealous for His children. Idolatry pushes mankind into the realm of spiritual darkness and condemnation. It antagonizes the authority of the majesty of God who is forever praised!

What is Idolatry?

Idols are man’s creations or imaginations with the ascription of life and superhuman capabilities. They could be in the form of objects or distorted images of personalities. As someone rightly stated, “ whatever that is extolled or exalted beyond human limits of honor unto resemblance of divine sublimity is idolatry.” Through the bond of consecration, the satanic world seizes these thoughts to put your mind under bondage.

Read Enoch prediction; “ the demons and the spirits of the angelic apostates would turn into idolatry all the elements in heaven, sea, the earth, that they might be consecrated as God, in opposition to God.”

Man is tempted to worship everything except the true God Himself.

Idolatry comes in different faces

Self-exaltation. The pride of accomplishment or unique ability drives man into egotistic tendencies. While it is good to have a sense of dignity and pride for who you are as unique individuals created in God’s image, humility in worship of God and relationship towards fellow human creatures is paramount. “ For all the gods of the people are idols, but the Lord made the heavens.” Psalm 96:5.

Worship of carved objects or statues. God has put eternity in the hearts of man. With the fall of mankind, humans have been in great dread of the forces of nature and have attempted to communicate with the supernatural forces through pagan practices. We ascribe superhuman characteristics to these forces or gods and attempt to manipulate them to accede to our needs and desires, sometimes, through human sacrifices. Unspeakable unrighteous acts and immorality have been unleashed by these practices to poor citizens. In the account of Israel’s rebellion at Mount Sinai, after Aaron made the golden calf, “ the people rose sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play [ orgies ]

Covetousness. The Scriptures include all forms of inordinate and unbridled lust, especially, after other people’s possession as idolatry. It is quite good and commendable to wish and desire to be great like others but when these desires degenerate to wishing others evil or devising means to acquire what others have through ruthless means it becomes evil and reprehensible. A man or woman blinded by covetousness defrauds others and forges ahead at others expense. Sexual immorality can degenerate into covetousness, which underscores the insatiability of man’s carnal nature. Colossians 3:5. The greed for money and material acquisitions is also included here. The love of money is described as a root of all kinds of evil. 1 Timothy 6:10.

Superstitious practices. Throughout the bible the Spirit of God continues to warn His people against the practices and customs of the gentile nations. These practices must be attractive for them to be so ensnaring to the people. Man often wants to be in charge of his destiny. We love to be in control and have the right to manipulate the unseen spiritual realms to achieve our desires at all cost. These customs and beliefs are based on man’s imaginations and are unfounded but erroneously held to be true. Psychic hotlines prosper is times of distress and belief in witchcraft has dealt untold devastations in the lives of gullible people in the hands of fetish priests and ministers. God’s warning is loud and clear. Deuteronomy 18: 9-14.

Atheistic attitudes. Paul in his epistle to the Romans made a compelling presentation on the authenticity of the existence of God and the grave consequences of a godless society. “ Although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” Romans 1: 21. These people in the depth of their hearts know that God exist but for probably unpleasant experiences in their lives not only decidedly sank into unbelief but opposes everything that stands for God. God is Light. His absence in the heart of man or woman results in all kinds of depravity.

Hero worship. People love to worship anyone endowed with features or abilities that appear unattainable. In this generation celebrities are worshiped as gods both in the secular world and even in the churches. Hence, whatever they endorse pulls customers. Whatever such ministers say the gullible congregations are quick to embrace. A case of a pastor in South Africa that abused his congregation with the command to eat grass and they rushed out in a pathetic competition is still hard to believe. But that only underscores the demonic domination and evil consequences of hero worship. People lose their power of reasoning and ability to make sound judgment. They are robbed of their sanity and God-given dignity by what they foolishly worship. Stories of altar boys sexual abuses are still emerging. It is this same spirit of idolatry that makes it appealing for women in certain denomination to worship the ‘queen of heaven.’

How common is idolatry?

Undoubtedly, idolatry has become an ugly and pervasive spiritual malady that has infiltrated the whole world, even the church. Paul in his missionary journey was greatly troubled in spirit when he observed that the whole city in Athens was given over to idols. He diligently proceeded to do something about it. It is a biblical account in the Book of Acts 14 that after Paul and Barnabas miraculously healed a crippled, the people moved by such supernatural ability attempted to worship them as the false gods, Zeus and Hermes. However, these two humble preachers of righteousness did the unimaginable. They tore their clothes in lamentation to such ungodly worship and praise. Many kings and pastors today crave and demand such worship. What a shame and travesty of leadership!

Why is God so serious about Idolatry?

Well, lets look at the Scriptures for answers. In the Book of Isaiah 14, Lucifer, was described as one who weakened or defiled the nations. Filled with pride he boasted to exalt himself like his throne above the stars of God and to sit on the mount of the congregation. With his downfall, Lucifer has continued to sit on the mount of the congregation inspiring pride, self-centeredness and idolatry. In the Book of Numbers, God proclaimed His blessings on His children and declared that there is no witchcraft or divination that can destroy His people. Later, Lucifer inspired Balaam to seduce the Israelites into idolatry and thereby destroyed many.

There is no spiritual life in idols or idol worship. They are based on falsehood and tantamount to rebellion against the will of God. “ Those who make them are like them; So is everyone who trusts in them.” Psalm 115.

How to checkmate Idolatry

The Bible instructs us to examine ourselves often to ascertain whether we are still in faith. It is very easy to slip from admiration of someone you highly esteem into idolatry. You not only begin to succumb to the power of suggestion and ungodly control by others but you gradually become insensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. If you are bound by self-love, then all forms of carnality follows. The Bible teaches us to honor, respect and pray for our leaders. We must pray for courage for righteous leadership garnished with humility and the Fear of God. When leaders so intimidate their Cabinet members, such that the fear of man grips and stifles their conscience, and the Constitution of the land is willfully violated, that is idolatry. Hear the One that is eternally seated on the white throne of heaven, “ For You have magnified Your word above all Your name.” Meaning: Integrity in leadership. Psalm 138:2.

So what?

God commands a time of sober reflection from all, regardless of your position in life. The Almighty God has made Himself known through Christ Jesus. Since we love to worship heroes, now God commands us to worship the Son who purchased our salvation and is seated at the right hand of Majesty. God who made the heavens and the whole world does not dwell in temple made by hands, nor is He worshiped with human hands as though He needed anything. Ignorance in the worship of false gods in times past the living God had overlooked, but now commands all men and women to repent. Acts 17.


Many thanks and sincere appreciation to Dr. Laura Schlessinger and Rabbi Stewart Vogel for their great job on the book titled ‘ The Ten Commandment.’ In this book they provided me such compelling and comprehensive insights on the subject of idolatry. Laura, I believe you guys must have made tremendous impression on God that you and this powerful book were revealed to me in a vision several weeks before I was inspired to write this message.

I give You my Praise

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the abundant grace and privilege that you have granted us to put your thoughts and deep concerns to the Body of Christ through this site. I thank you Jesus for the power of illumination through your Holy Spirit.

I pray for myself, and every child of God in different thrones of leadership. To avoid speculation and thus confusion, you made it abundantly clear the principles of godly leadership in Deuteronomy 17. The throne was never for selfish ambition or covetous lifestyle, nor for the leader to exalt himself or herself above the people, which is tantamount to idolatry.

Help us to always remember these words of Jesus; “in as much as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.” My sincere prayer is that this will motivate selfless service with the total welfare and fruitfulness of those we serve being paramount in our hearts. All honor, majesty, dominion and power belong to you who is Sovereign over the nations now and forever, in Jesus mighty name. Amen.




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