
Moral Decay

Precious Lord, we come again to you this month of August to receive your awesome grace in sharing your thoughts with my brothers and sisters scattered all over the world. Your glory is to hide a matter and the honor you grant us humans is to search it out. But how can man unearth what you, our heavenly Father, have concealed, unless you reveal it. It is with this understanding that we express our profound gratitude to you who reveals deep and secret things. The eyes of the wise and prudent of this age you have blinded to spiritual truths but it has been your pleasure to grant insight to babes of the kingdom of God. Thank you Jesus!

The month of July has been a particularly busy but exciting time for my family. Even in this austere period God has made it possible for us to break free from the demanding job schedule to enjoy vacation with my wife and children. We spent some wonderful moments in the beautiful city of Honolulu, Hawaii. This part of America is generally known for her amazingly blue beaches and powerful waves. What may escape many people is that Hawaii is endowed with rich cultural heritage and rare species of plants, birds and animals. In fact, the United States government made a wise decision to preserve the huge natural blessings of this part of the world and it has served the country well. Tourism and it financial reward is at all time high throughout the year.

Shortly afterwards, we travelled to Eastern Europe to join a friend, Pastor Mike who has been there couple of weeks earlier on an evangelism mission. This was my first time stepping into the soil of Europe. Romania is a great country and the people were very warm-hearted and very hospitable. I found myself protesting over their outpouring of kind gestures. Refusing a meal is often construed as an insult. I gained almost 7 pounds within one week despite our tight schedule. Though this country is still recovering from the devastation of the Communist regime, many people seem to wonder that perhaps that infamous era may be better than now. The post- Communist period was greeted with disappointing frenzy in the sale of state-owned companies and much of their land to foreign nationals without regards to the welfare of the citizens. Poverty has dealt a great blow to many and morale is quite low. People often resort to all kinds of desperate strategy for survival.

The message this month came at the peak of the period when Nigeria, a country in West Africa, was at the headline of the world news. The Islamic militants, a faceless and ruthless cult had found a haven in Northern Nigeria. The government of the day appeared totally clueless and unprepared to control the menace and carnage meted to her citizens. The security agencies seemed powerless and dumbfounded. There was wanton destruction of lives and properties and the whole country was gripped with fear. The leadership has failed woefully in the sacred duty of protecting its people from these violent aggressors. Some teenage Chibok girls were abducted from their school with threat to their lives made by this heinous group. Human rights group all over the world moved in protest, and the United States, among others, volunteered to assist Nigeria to curb this mayhem. The people of Faith prayed to God for answers and the Almighty gave His response.

Sober Reflection

What the Spirit of God revealed to me in a night vision are serious issues that often generate a lot of controversy. Political correctness and the fear of public and sometimes government backlash have weakened the voice of Believers almost to the point of passive resignation. I have wondered why God allows me to see His perspective on some of these weighty matters. I am not the best man for this task. In my past life, not only did I partake in some of these unholy lifestyles, I championed and excelled in them, until the grace of God was released into my life. So in my little mind I feel unworthy for such a role but the Omniscience Lord has made His decision. Who can resist the Will of God when His mighty hand is on your case? I have no choice but to speak on these abominations that grieve the Spirit of Holiness.

This first illustration is what God is deeply concerned about this great country, United States of America. The imagery is easy to interpret. In the public arena, two men are conspicuously displaying deep affection for one another in such a way that depicts sexual intimacy. Across the road, a little child was spellbound and captivated by such overture. However, the crowd seemed oblivious to what was happening. The people cared less and appeared to be earnestly engrossed in their own personal pursuit. What an irony! While America, the superpower of the world, is offering to use her military might and surpassing Intelligent network to assist a weakened Nigeria, the Almighty has an indictment against the United States.

Next illustration speaks on God’s perspective on the state of affairs in Nigeria. People have prayed for peace to reign in this great country of Africa but it appears this has eluded the northern part of the country, and chaos is gradually spreading southwards. The imagery in this case made my heart faint. It depicts a government official handling the processing of applications of a mammoth crowd of citizens. There is an unmistakable contrast between the official and his family on one side, and the applicants on the other side. Affluence and fatness to the point of explosion describes the official and his family, but abject poverty and cachexia will be an understatement for majority of the people of Nigeria. These poor people have no one to speak for them. They have no voice and remain faceless. But the Omniscience and Omnipresent God hears and knows the groaning of their hearts.

Moral Decay

“Every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” Genesis 6:5

All around us are filled with unquestionable testimonies of God’s manifold blessings on His creation. Despite the woeful failure of mankind since the Fall, each successive generation has witnessed progressive advancement in technology , communication and medicine. Quest for knowledge has increased tremendously and the grace of God has flourished. We often look back and wonder how the ancient people survived without the luxury of the sophisticated gadgets that are readily available to us. However, even with these advances in science and medicine our life expectancy is miserably short compared to our forefathers. This generation is bombarded with all kinds of violence; physical, emotional and spiritual. The world is moving at a terrifying fast pace and the inviolability of life has been terribly eroded.

Man’s rebellion against God has been manifested in all kind of self-indulgent behaviors, and this has been the inevitable bane of modern society. Just as God expressed deep disappointment with ancient Israel, He now passes strong indictment against these two countries that should champion ‘ Holiness to the Lord.’ Hear Him in Isaiah 1:4-6.

“Alas, sinful nation,

A people laden with iniquity,

A brood of evildoers,

Children who are corrupters!

They have forsaken the Lord,

They have provoked to anger

The Holy One of Israel,

They have turned away backward.

Why should you be stricken again?

You will revolt more and more.

The whole head is sick,

And the whole heart faints.

From the sole of the foot even to the head,

There is no soundness in it,

But wounds and bruises and putrefying sores.”

The Israelites were chosen by God for a divine purpose. Through her covenant relationship with God the nation of Israel was to model the holiness and righteousness of God to other nations. But the Scripture is replete with historical accounts of their repeated failures in fulfilling her God-given mandate. In the biblical text quoted above, God was again warning the nation of His impending judgment for their rebellious and contrary lifestyles. In the same token, there are spiritual Israelites (Redeemed of God) in both the United States and Nigeria. The people of God in these countries seem to have abdicated their divine mandate and have lusted after the practices and luxuries of the world. The Holy Spirit has been grieved for so long, and hence His power to keep evil under control is restrained. 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7.

The Surge of Sexual Immorality

Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? 1 Corinthians 6:15

It is not surprising that the thought of sex especially illicit or the forbidden one elicits such a powerful, and for many of us, uncontrollable emotions. Quite often, people are gripped with sudden animated responses that caution is commonly thrown to the wind. The Scriptures tell us that the whole world is under the sway of the wicked one. The power of lust especially sexual lust has taken the world captive. Believers are not spared from this monstrous temptation.  Marital relationships have been betrayed, families devastated and even church communities reduced to mere laughingstock to the unbelieving world. So why does sex outside marriage has such powerful enticement on us? Why are the news media, movies inundated with terrifying sexual contents? Why are the computers in our family homes under attack from unsolicited pornographic images?

Let us glean some answers from the account of Israel journey to the Promised Land. In the Book of Numbers God reveals a most enlightening and profound truth that will help us to gain valuable knowledge of: Satan’s strategy, clues to the questions enumerated above and keys to the Believers victorious walk of Faith as overcomers.

The nation of Israel had been delivered from Egyptian bondage, then the waiting period in the wilderness and subsequent walk towards the Promised Land. Terrified by the news of this new powerful nation of Israel, Balak, king of Moab, quickly invited a pagan prophet to put a curse on Israel. The purpose was to defeat the nation’s god and thus remove their covering of protection. Well, the God of Israel, is the Almighty God who made the heaven and earth. He is also faithful to His covenant promises, including unshakeable wall of protection over His people. But there is a caveat to this privilege: a life of obedience and walk of chastity especially avoidance of sexual pollution and idolatry.

Not many of us have the power of self-control over ungodly desires and passions that stem from our carnal nature. The pagan prophet, Balaam, realizing the impossibility of him acceding the desperate request made by Balak soon discovered a strategy to penetrate Israel’s defense. Know the people’s weakness and use it to your advantage. It is the same old-age espionage principle applied in military campaigns.

Beautiful and irresistible women of Moab were released into the camp of Israel and the men fell into sexual sin. Their divine covering was thus removed and God’s wrath was unleashed on His people at Peor. In fact, the Scriptures put it this way; “So Israel was joined (for emphasis) to Baal of Peor, and the anger of the Lord was aroused against Israel.” Numbers 25:3


 Outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, their sin is very grave. Gen. 18

In God’s view this kind of sexual perversion is one of the greatest manifestation of man’s rebellion against His plan of a healthy and fruitful relationship between a man and a woman. It constitutes an affront to God’s design for the marital relationship to foreshadow the union between the Bride and the Lord, Jesus. Apart from the special role of sexual blessing in furtherance of marital intimacy, through the union ‘godly seeds’ are produced to the glory of God. A world consumed by the flood of sexual depravity especially homosexuality is both an insult and assault to God’s Spirit of Holiness. In fact, this satanic movement towards unbridled sexuality calls God a liar and so unfit to judge the world. How foolish!!!

But why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? It is very difficult for the carnal mind to understand why a God who is all-knowing will create such a beautiful city that was described as ‘well watered, like the garden of the Lord’ (garden of Eden), only to destroy it afterwards. Did He not know that the people in Sodom will degenerate to such a pathetic extent? Sin is sin, most of us will agree. But there are sins that tremendously grieve the Holy Spirit. It is one thing to be deceived and for us to allow our mind to be corrupted by what God declares is contrary to His Holiness. It is a big deal for mere mortals to gang up to uproot Ancient Landmarks!

Now let us go back to the Sodom account to gain some insight. “ The men of Sodom, both old and young, all the people from every quarter, surrounded the house. And they called to Lot and said to him, ‘where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may know them carnally.” Genesis 19: 4-5.

Our great God and Father, in His infinite mercy and incredible patience had withheld judgment of this great city. But look at the arrogance of their hearts and the recklessness of their mass action.

LGBT Group Campaign Against Human Right Violations

Throughout the ages men and women have been drawn into different kinds of battle. Some fight to gain new territory and hence garner more power and control over the weaker group. Others war to maintain the sovereignty of their position. Better still, certain groups fight for acceptance by the larger community. The homosexual community belongs to this last segment. These people have not had a fair game. One thing I admire about them is their cohesiveness and indefatigable spirit.

Though their lifestyle is strange and unpleasant to the collective resolve of our sense of a healthy family, the degree of human right abuses suffered by this group has been outrageous. They are treated with disdain and viewed as both outlaws and outcasts of the society. Since the 1960’s they have put up a strong fight, pouring in all their resources to gain acceptance by the society. Finally, their resilience and aggressive efforts have yielded fruit. They must be viewed just like other citizens, sinful, but contributing their resources in their local environment and nation at large.

Robbery, Violence And Mass Murder of Children

The rampant and widespread looting of the nations treasury coupled with ruthless extortion of the citizens tantamount to mass murder of the youth of that nation. God in His infinite wisdom and goodness has blessed every nation with an abundance of good things. Godly leadership calls for transparency and accountability with responsible management of these resources for the common good, especially in nurturing and equipping the younger generation in readiness for a brighter tomorrow. What perplexes the mind of civil society is the casual attitude displayed in third world nations when government officials siphon tons of money from the country’s coffers and the judiciary appears helpless in carrying out their mandate to enforce the law. Who will then speak for the deprived and cheated children for this gross and merciless human rights violation.

To these corrupt and callous officers in high places, God, who does not change, describes you as barbaric criminals or savage wolves; “ You who hate good and love evil; Who strip the skin from My people, and the flesh from their bones; Who also eat the flesh of My people, Flay their skin from them, break their bones, and chop them in pieces like meat for the pot, like flesh in the caldron.” Micah 3: 2-3.

God has similar harsh words of condemnation for the wives of these abominable officers who are in negligence of their responsibility in keeping their husbands on the right path. Hear this word, “ you cows of Bashan, who are on the mountain of Samaria, who oppress the poor, who crush the needy. Who say to your husbands, ‘bring wine, let us drink!’ The Lord God has sworn by His holiness: ‘Behold, the days shall come upon you when He will take you away with fishhooks, and your posterity with fishhooks.” Amos 4:1-2.

Children of this Generation are Rare and Endangered Species

It is quite disturbing that in the United States huge amount of money is lavished to preserve the natural things in places like Hawaii, and lovers of animals flex great muscles against any perceived act of wickedness against animals, but predators against children are treated with kid gloves. Who will speak on behalf of the children for all the terrible atrocities hurled at them physically and mentally in this idolatrous and adulterous generation.

The Scriptures inform us of this profound truth in the raising of children. “ Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverb 22:6.

There is preponderance of evidence that the behavior of children is often influenced more by what they observe in the life of adults than the instructions given to them.

The developing minds of our children are dangerously and prematurely exposed to all kinds of immorality. Their innocence and vulnerability are raped daily by the confusion thrown at them and no one seems to care about the long-term implications and consequences.

The Homosexual group is on a vendetta against the children. Their movement is geared to desecrate and defile anything that represents the will of God for mankind. The gay couples adopt children and claim they are better at parenting which, in my opinion, is absurd and deceptive. What morals could these children learn from such a confusing arrangement.

Children who watch their parents deliberately manipulate, cheat, embezzle and rob a system of monies meant for the development of its citizens, quickly learn to perfect the game. When the judiciary fails to execute its mandate of justice and equity for all, our children are prone to believe that those in leadership are above the law and that ‘some animals are more equal than others.’ It is no brainer to predict the gloomy future of this present generation of children. A Godless society will inevitably breed a lawless generation with ungodly attitude of lawlessness, haters of God, haters of parents, seared conscience, sexual perversion and all sorts of corruption and immorality!

The question here is where are the true lovers of God and children who understand the times and are blessed with enough righteous indignation and courage to stand up for our children. There is an urgent and dire need for the true church of Christ and humanitarian organizations to wake up to tackle the gloomy prospect of most of our children. They are desperately in need of help. Most are orphans, the very poor or from broken homes and the frustrations already created by their background, coupled with the confusion of our depraved world drive these children to promiscuity, world of crime and drug addiction as an escape or defense mechanism to conceal the deep-seated pain, sense of worthlessness and confusion.

The future of our nations’ children is systematically and gradually rendered hopeless. Young boys and girls are raped daily( even in our churches), ruthlessly massacred, sold into human trafficking, prostitution and crime. We feast on our children and care more about out pets. What an irony and distortion of values! This hopeless predicament is same in the United States, Nigeria, Romania and other nations. It is imperative that we as adults, especially lovers of God, earnestly evaluate where we have fallen from and contend for the Truth. Jesus Christ must be brought back into our lives, homes and institutions to check the rapid deterioration in our value system and the quality of our lives.

In our busyness and covetous pursuits, we shamelessly abdicate our privileged responsibility in raising up our children in godly ways. The senses of these children are assaulted daily with garbage and thus reproduce garbage clearly seen in the   upsurge of strange and disheartening behaviors, such as: alcoholism, promiscuity, crime and drug addictions. There is unrest in the homes and our communities.  Lots and lots of money is wasted in frustrating efforts at treatment as they go in and out of Rehabilitation. God is not mocked; whatever you sow is what you reap. When we sow corruption, we inevitably reap abundance of corruption.

Over the years the Almighty God has displayed remarkable and unfathomable patience over the gross and unmitigated injustice, emotional oppression and slaughter of His children. His prophets scattered all over the world has repeatedly spoken the thoughts and concerns of God but leaders in certain churches and the secular world have remained adamant to their self-willed and covetous life-styles. Just as they condone and champion evil and chaos in these nations, there will be no peace. Anarchy and all sorts of strange and catastrophic events will reign in the land. God’s cup, full of His fiery indignation, is henceforth poured into the lands.

The Genesis of the Malady

The world is definitely under the sway of the evil one. The spirit of Nimrod and Babylon has captured the attitude of the world. The predominant religions of the world are man’s creation with enticing traditions but no power of the Holy Spirit against the indulgence of the carnal nature. With the trap of worldly luxuries and attractions, many people of Faith in Christ have been seduced and the power of prayers have been relegated to mere talk and talk. While the people of God are sleeping on the job, the enemy has been gaining more ground in sowing more tares among the wheat.

The Scriptures declare; “ For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness…….Because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened…..Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.” Romans 1:18-25.

Vile passions with the attendant ungodly attitudes, such as: homosexuality, lesbianism, deceit, looting of public funds, bribery and obstruction of justice, extortion and oppression of fellow man, even in places of worship, is a curse from God. When the True Light, Jesus Christ, is rejected, the false light of glories of this world is all you get. Hallelujah!

The righteous judgment of God has been demonstrated in Christ, and those who not only practice ungodliness but also approve of those who are trapped in such lifestyles are called to the Cross of Christ.

Warning against False Teaching and False Prophets

The Scriptures predicting the times, warn that evil men will infiltrate the church and lead many astray. We are exhorted to be prayerful and watchful in order to escape the temptations of this age. There is a command to test the spirit operating in your minister. Does his or her lifestyle reflect the character your spiritual eyes see in Jesus? Does what he approves and engages in line up with the Word of God. It means you must strive to pray and study the Scriptures. Do not be intimidated by prayer or the study of the Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you in prayer and understanding of the Bible. These are your right as a child of God, especially as you persevere in your quest for fellowship with Christ. God is passionately speaking to those He chose out of the world. “ Come to Bethel and transgress, at Gilgal multiply transgression; Bring your sacrifices every morning, Your tithes every three days. Offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with leaven, proclaim and announce the freewill offerings; For this you love.” Amos 4:4-5.

These religious activities are good but without a repentant heart and love for God is an abomination to the Spirit of Holiness. Many crooked and self-styled ministers are in fact anti-Christ. They take advantage of your hunger for truth but ignorance of true doctrines of Christ, and thus gullible to false and deceptive teachings for their personal profit; to their ultimate shame and destruction. God puts it this way, “ My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6.

These worldly ministers speak, ‘ peace, peace’ when there is no Peace. They speak from the delusions of their carnal mind. They encourage our corrupted leaders to continue in their evil ways by hobnobbing with them as sycophants. Jesus stern warning against these covetous leaders remains true today. “ But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matthew 18:6 Your true peace is a reconciled relationship with Christ, and a life empowered by the Holy Spirit. There is No Peace for the Wicked.

“ A Lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken! Who can but prophesy.” Amos 3:8.

Encouragement of the Scriptures

Even in the chaotic and disastrous consequences of our failures as mere mortals, God continues to echo His undying love for mankind. God will never forsake those who humbly come back and acknowledge their errors and accept His free prescription for Healing of their souls. In His Holiness, God has subjected all mankind under sin and wrath. “ All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3: 23. There is No Exception to the Guilty verdict.  It includes the poorest wretch to the greatest man or woman, even presidents or heads of religious group.

The Almighty God has a solution to our callous heart and depraved mind. He invites us to a way out of this miserable existence. “ I will set My tabernacle among you, and My soul shall not abhor you. I will walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people.” Leviticus 26:11-12.

God’s plan of Salvation from the curse may not be appealing to our senses. In fact, many will raise objection and think they must gain it through their righteous act. We often hear, ‘ that man or woman must go to heaven because he or she is a good person.’ The Scriptures have this response to such erroneous assertion; Our righteousness is like filthy rags in the sight of God. So, we must gladly accept His free offer of grace.

God, who cannot lie, speaks to us through the Scriptures. “ Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.

Our faithful Lord gives His promise. “ Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”

2 Corinthians 6:17-18.

What must I do to receive His forgiveness? I don’t think God will ever forgive me because my sins stink. Well, with God all things are possible, even mercy for unimaginable wrongs done to God and our fellow human beings. Our Righteous Father invites you to Confess your sins, Repent of your ways and Reconcile with Him through the gift of God in Christ Jesus. Forgiveness and Salvation of your soul comes only through the cleansing power in the Blood of the Lamb of God.

All you have to do is Believe in the atoning power in the Blood of Jesus Christ. “ Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes. Cease to do evil, Learn to do good; Seek justice, rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, plead for the widow…..Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” Isaiah 1:16-18. It is at the foot of the Cross that the bondage of homosexuality and covetousness is broken. Your erroneous perception of who you truly are, and thus, false conception of Jesus Christ is divinely corrected. Hallelujah !!!

Join us to Pray

Our heavenly Father I come to you. Personally, I thank you so much for the abundant grace you released into my life that enabled me to pen this message. I must admit this has been the toughest and I didn’t believe I would eventually pull it off. I am deeply grateful for your incredible divine help. You are simply Awesome!

Now, I join hands in faith with others who are searching for the truth.

Lord, we your children are humbled and weighed down by the errors of our choices. We are not worthy to be called your children. We have been deceived and lived lives of deception and self-indulgence. We are sincerely and deeply grieved by the fact that our sins caused the ruthless crucifixion of your only Son for our Salvation. What an unconditional and unprecedented expression of love that you displayed on the cross for us. We repent of our perverted thinking and crooked ways of life. Please forgive us and take us back. Only in your arms could we experience true peace and joy. We pray that You strengthen our faith and open the eyes of our understanding to know you better. Grant us the zeal and courage to pray for our children and to make ourselves available to minister to them through the power of the Holy Spirit.

We pray for our brothers and sisters who have been taken captive by the devil into the bondage of homosexuality. While godly men and women slept, our young ones have swallowed the poison of deception. There are testimonies of many who came to Christ and received healing and conversion. We pray that more eyes will be anointed with salves and the cleansing power of Jesus do His miracles in the lives of more souls.

We pray for our leaders for the wisdom of God, courage, contentment and discernment in the discharge of their divine duties. Solomon prayed for God’s help to administer justice, equity and all the dividends of good governance and so should all leaders pray. The lands and people belong to God. Even the poorest is His creation. Only a fool says there is no God. We ask that you humble the hearts of our leaders to gain some sense from the lives of other leaders as document in history books and the Bible.

May we all foresee the consequences of our selfish ambitions and the bleak future of our children if we continue in our present reckless and irresponsible ways. Inspire a sense of urgency in our adults, especially those in the household of God. Do not delay Lord. Your gift, our children, desperately need your gracious actions now. All these we ask in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I give you my Praise

Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power?

Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?

Are you fully trusting in His Grace this hour?

Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?

Are you washed in the blood?

In the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb;

Are your garments spotless, are they white as snow?

Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?

Lay aside the garments that are stained with sin;

And be washed in the blood of the Lamb;

There’s a fountain flowing for the soul unclean;

Oh be washed in the blood of the Lamb.











About the Author